Refund Rescue offers a variety of services to help you
get your refund and fix your tax return.


Why Use Refund Rescue?

A small look at the services we offer:

Fix Delayed Refunds

We understand the reasons refunds are delayed and have the experience to get them released in a timely manner.

Respond to Letters and Notices

Providing the wrong response to an IRS tax audit letter can further delay your refund or cost you thousands of dollars. Let our professionals deal with IRS for you.

Review and Fix Tax Returns

When needed, we will review your tax return to find and fix potential costly errors.

Peace of Mind

You can rest assured that our team of tax professionals has got your back and will work diligently to resolve your tax issue.

Don’t wait any longer for your refund

Get started for just $75.

95% of our clients get their refund
released in a timely manner.